In The Name Of God, Most Gracious, Most
Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all
Being, the Creator of the sky and the
land who says
in the explicit Book of
His: “As for the orphan, do not oppress
him, and as for the beggar, scold him
not, and as for the Lord’s blessing,
declare it.” God’s Messenger, the honest
Prophet, Peace may be upon him says,
“God is helping the person so long as he
is assisting his own brother”. On behalf
of our Charitable Society for Orphans
and the Needy –Administration and
Members, we extend our best regards to
you all. Well, another year has gone by,
hoping that the Society shall carry on,
by God’s will and aid. By this, we
present the latest portrait of the
Society’s achievements, activities and
future projects, a thing we are
accustomed to doing annually.
Following are our own objectives in
1. For the purpose of honesty and trust,
we present this report.
2. It includes a complete account
regarding our activities in detail.
3. To us, work responsibility is mutual:
We carry out the task ; the citizens of
all categories should enquire and guide.
They should read it in scrutiny and
share us the responsibility.
4. The aim of this report is not only to
show the activities of the Society, but
also to display the citizens
contributions supporting the Society. In
fact, our achievements would not have
been possible without their abundant
5. We don’t claim complete success.
Perfection is only to God. We
acknowledge that we might have made
mistakes. If so, we do apologize.
6. The Society does not belong to any
specific person. Rather, it belongs to
all those who
back it up and its beneficiaries. Thus
it employs an open-door policy.
7. It is logical to accept positive
criticism which will push the Society
forward. Nonetheless, we reject
groundless criticism.
8. Finally, we do believe in the saying:
Deeds speak louder than words. To all
the citizens of the Governorate of
Jericho and the Jordan Valley: To all
the citizens of Palestine:
While preparing our statement, we are
aware of the significance of what the
Society offers to protect an integral
part of our community. We help the
deprived ; they find who support them
without any pride, simply because God
says “ The believers indeed are
brothers. “ The Prophet ( PMBUH ) Says”,
The believer to the believer is just
like the building whose parts strengthen
each other. We seize this opportunity to
express gratitude to all those who gave
the Society assistance, and in
particular, the inhabitants of the
Governorate and the people elsewhere, in
general. We do rely on God and that
should suffice. We pledge to remain
faithful to the Society and its mission.
Our last prayer is praise belongs to the
Lord of all Being. |